Showing 176 - 200 of 227 Results
Self-Formation: Or, the History of an Individual Mind; Intended as a Guide for the Intellect... by Lofft, Capel, Capel Lofft ISBN: 9780649701513 List Price: $13.77
Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, Upon the Plays of Shakspeare; Resulting fro... by Seymour, E. H., Chedworth, ... ISBN: 9781354354377 List Price: $29.95
Observations on a Late Publication, Entitled a Dialogue on the Actual State of Parliament,: ... by Lofft, Capel, Capel Lofft ISBN: 9781354531471 List Price: $19.95
Eudosia: Or, a Poem on the Universe by Lofft, Capel, Capel Lofft ISBN: 9781354589540 List Price: $25.95
Observations on a Late Publication Entitled 'a Dialogue on the Actual State of Parliament', ... by Lofft, Capel, Capel Lofft ISBN: 9781354661574 List Price: $19.95
Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakspeare; Resulting fro... by Lofft, Capel, Strutt, Benja... ISBN: 9781346799049 List Price: $28.95
Remarks on the Letter of the Rt Hon Edmund Burke, Concerning the Revolution in France, and o... by Lofft, Capel, Burke, Edmund ISBN: 9781245383677 List Price: $19.75
Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakspeare; Resulting fro... by Seymour, E. H., Chedworth, ... ISBN: 9781245437509 List Price: $39.75
Right of Protestant Dissenters to a Compleat [!] Toleration Asserted : Containing an histori... by Lofft, Capel, Heywood, Samuel ISBN: 9781245553759 List Price: $19.75
View of the Several Schemes with Respect to Americ by Lofft, Capel ISBN: 9781246186055 List Price: $17.75
Praises of Poetry a Poem by Capel Lofft by Lofft, Capel ISBN: 9781140727279 List Price: $18.75
Eudosi : Or, a poem on the Universe by Lofft, Capel ISBN: 9781140767886 List Price: $26.75
Aphorisms from Shakespeare by Shakespeare, William, Lofft... ISBN: 9781145371231 List Price: $40.75
Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakspeare : Resulting fr... by Lofft, Capel, Seymour, E. H... ISBN: 9781147086133 List Price: $38.75
Eudosia; or, a Poem on the Universe by Lofft, Capel ISBN: 9781151051981 List Price: $26.44
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